Monday, January 08, 2007

Right, part II

Forgot what part one was. I went to a my first wedding. There are some sexy qipaos out there. But whyforenot anyone show cleavage?

Forgot to bring my camera, but I noticed a few things:

1) I went with my cousin and she wanted me to wear a white turtleneck underneath this very nice dress that had potential to show a little boobybittytit but was of course made impossible by the addition of the white turtleneck.
2) So I said no thanks.
3) Everyone who is not extremely ridiculously wealthy and Chinese is terribly afraid of the cold and is not convinced that an indoor wedding held at a nice restaurant/hotel is capable of having warm enough heating to wear a formal dress.
4) There were 28 tables and we were seated at the very worst one.
5) So I didn't see anything.
6) And thusly, missed the part where they showed a slideshow
7) Recapped how the groom originally proposed
8) Had this cheesy bit where the groom and bride sang that song that sounds kinda weird to me in both English and Chinese to each other
9) When everyone else was not paying any attention and smoking, eating, toasting, drinking, jabbering while that song was playing and the bride and groom possibly had a few tears in their eyes.
10) Chinese guys don't seem to really look you in the eye when they talk to you, and neither do Chinese girls, and also no one says their names, which is maybe why my mom still doesn't know the name of that woman who has a really rich house that takes like 40 minutes to get to after you get off the Northern State, and also her friend who works for the UN and told me I'm too good to work for the UN, and then I was like, hahaha yeah right. Still, hahaha yeah right.
11) I want to ask my cousin if she's already had sex or not, because I don't see how if you date someone who doesn't have their own apartment (90% of her friends and herself, in fact, she sleeps in the same bed as my auntie) and you don't have your own apartment, how can you make sweet love to each other?
12) The naughtiest bit was when the bride said she was going to nuli everyday from today on towards her goal of having a baby.
13) Wonder if her parents liked that joke?
14) The most important thing to Chinese people is food.
15) We ate for 4 hours, and like, said congratulations and other stuff for 10 minutes.
16) Wouldn't a western, traditional Christian wedding in Minneapolis be more like a bunch of boring ceremonial stuff, then a buffet and mostly boozing?
17) Wouldn't know. Never been. Just making generalizations.
18) The whole thing wasn't as joyful or festive as I expected.
19) Who was the fucking idiot who wrote that story about the Chinese bride and groom in San Francisco kowtowing in front of a Buddha and the woman wearing a fucking red veil which could not be lifted until consummation time, because the wedding I went to was not set in 1891 Idon'tknowshitbutIwillOrientalizeallmyfakeknowledge-ville.
20) How come the wedding also reminded me of being in high school and going to a dance where everyone is bouncing around and acting stressed out about really small things and making it obvious that they are sort of proud but also uncomfortable in their fancy get ups and high heeled shoes by clicking them so hard on the ground and running around with clipped feet and talking fast about all the things that went wrong, and also
21) I saw this girl who was 25 and already someone's baby momma, and she was so skinny and made all the same lude jokes as everyone else but she had to leave at 8 pm and everyone else who didn't have a baby didn't have to, and then it got me all nervous and I had to put my hand over my heart, pledge of allegiance style, to keep it down.

All in all, no astute observations made, no snappy pictures taken.


Blogger Unknown said...

A traditional Christian wedding in California is like this:
1) The minister is talking, but you are not listening.
2) Your cousins are standing on some stairs, and you are thinking how they are prettier than you and know how to use makeup.
3) There is also a slideshow. The people are shown waterskiing.
4) You are fifteen and you are thinking, "What is wrong with my hair and skin and everything about me?"
5) There is champagne, but you cannot have any. There is conversation, but you cannot have any of that either.
6) You and your brother are kind to each other, as in all difficult times. Later he will remember that he hates you.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Truly, weddings are just a wank-a-thon of ick.

2:33 PM  

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